Word Relation:
1-Synonymy: two or more words with closely related meaning. For example:
Liberty: freedom – hide: conceal – cab: taxi
2-Antonymy: two forms with opposite meaning. For example:
Take=give – quick= slow
3-Hyponomy: when the meaning of one form included in the meaning of another. For example: House = home, apartment, villa
Vehicle=car, van, tuck, bus
4-Homophony: two words with different form about similar pronunciation. For example: (Flour-flower) – (sea-see) – (meat-meet)
5-Polysemy: one word has different meanings. For example:
: My uncle runs a factory.
: Ali runs 5km everyday.
: A river runs past my house.
6-Idioms: an expression which functions as a single unit and whose meaning can not be worked out from its separate parts.
*اصطلاح: کلمه یا عبارتی که معنی اصلی خودش را نمی دهد.
For example: - We paint the town red Friday every day. (Go out and enjoy ourselves.)
: - After the study exam until 4 A.M he decided to throw in the sponge and go to bed. (Stop)
: She washed her hands of the matters.(refuse anything with the matter)
7-Proverb: an expression which has two layers of meaning. The surface meaning and the underlying intended meaning.
For example: - Every cloud has a silver lining.
- پایان شب سیه سفید است.
: - No pain, no gain.
- نامبرده رنج گنج میسر نمی شود.
: - When in Rome, do as Roans.
- خواهی نشوی رسوا همرنگ جماعت شو.
: - A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
- سیلی نقد به از حلوای نسیه است.
: - Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
- جوجه را آخر پاییز می شمارند.
: - Money doesn't grow on trees.
- پول علف خرس نیست.
: - It s a Herculean task.
- کار حضرت فیل است.
: - He makes mountains out of mole-hills.
- از کاه کوه می سازد.
: - One swallow doesn't make the summer.
- بایک گل بهار نمی شود.
: - you are still wet behind the ears.
- هنوز دهنت بوی شیر می دهد.
: - People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
- اگه در خانه شیشه ای زندگی می کنی، سنگ پرتاب نکن.
: - He wants to have this cake and eat it.
- هم خدا را می خواهد هم خرما را.
: - A leopard can't change its spot.
- توبه گرگ مرگ است.
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