Types of translation:
1- Word-for- word translation: god protector
2- Literal translation: god protect you
3- Free translation: good bye
Examples for (word – for – word translation):
وزارت کار :ministry of label
ژرف ساخت :Deep structure
اورفت :He went
Example for (literal translation):
او به تهران رفت. He went to Tehran:
Example for (free translation):
او می دانست که دیگر نمی تواند راه برود. He knew that he couldn’t walk any more.
ضرورت ترجمه آزاد :
1- ترجمه آزاد و ضرب المثل ها،عبارات تشبیهی،اصطلاحات و استعاره نیاز می باشد.
2- وقتی ترجمه تحت الفظی از لحاظ دستوری و معانی در زبان مقصد نامانوس یا نا مفهوم باشد.
- او چپ چپ نگاهم کرد . یا او چپ چپ به من نگاه کرد. She gave me a nasty look. - - خواهی نشوی رسوا همرنگ جماعت شو. - Do as Romans, when in Rome.
انواع جمله و ساختار:
1- simple
2- compand
3- complex
- He did his best to success the examination.
او نهایت تلاش خود را برای موفقیت در امتحان به کار برد.
- وجه نقد در تراز نامه گزارش می شود.- Cash is reported on the balance sheet. - Revenue is recorded in the current period and expenses are recorded in the same period.
- در آمد در دوره جاری ثبت می شود و هزینه ها در همان دوره ثبت می شود.
- Ali left the university that is in the Enghelabe Street.
- علی از دانشگاه که در خیابان انقلاب است ، خارج شد.
Word Formation:
1- Coinage (coining): The invention of totally new terms is called coinage. For example: zirax- nylon- aspirin
2- Borrowing: A word or phrase taken fro one language and used in another language is called borrowing. For example: alcohol- boss- court- lilac
3- loan- translations (claque): A type of borrowing in which each morpheme or word is translated into an equivalent morpheme or word in another languages called loan translation or claque. For example: wrist watch- pocket book- data processing- skyscraper- in connection with
4- Compounding: is a joining of two separate words to produce a single form. For example: classroom- match box- book case- fingerprint- sunburn- wallpaper
5- Blending: is talking the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of the other word. For example: smog (smoke-fog)-brunch (breakfast- lunch)-motel (motor-hotel) - telecast (television – broadcast)-gasohol (gasoline-alcohol)
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